Prekindergarten Waivers/Permissions
Please read through the following information and sign the Parental Acknowledgement form provided during the first week of school and return to office.
Interviewing Children
Children may be subject to interviews by licensing staff, child maltreatment investigator and/or law enforcement officials for the purpose of determining licensing compliance or for investigative purposes. (Child interviews do not require parental notice or consent.) This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 201
Policy Statement: In accordance with both the standards of the Diocese of Little Rock and the Arkansas Department of Human Services, any adult who suspects physical, emotional, or mental abuse of any child is required to report such abuse to the proper authorities.
While we certainly never expect misconduct of any sort, please be aware that if any occurs, it will be reported. The authorities contacted may find it necessary to interview the children in the reported facility.
Special Needs
I have been informed in writing that all child care facilities are required by IDEA to refer a child with any suspected delays or disabilities to the appropriate lead agency (as determined by the child’s age). Children ages 3-6 yeas should contact Arkansas Department of Education, check with your child care licensing specialist for the agency in your area. Child Care facilities do not need parents’ permission to make a referral to the appropriate agency. This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 1400
Photograph/Video Permission
I give permission for my child to be photographed or video recorded. If permission is not granted, I will contact the school office and let them know. This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 400
Photos/Video Recordings Permission on Social Media/Websites
I give permission for photographs or video recordings of my child to be placed on social media or school website. If permission is not granted, I will contact the school office and let them know. This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 400
Behavior Guidance
I have read through the Behavior Guidance Techniques found in the school’s handbook. No physical punishment shall be administered.
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
As a parent or legal guardian of the minor student, I grant permission for my child to access networked computers such as the Internet. I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for violations and that some material on the Internet may be objectionable, but I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet use-setting and conveying standards for my child to follow when selecting, sharing, or exploring information and media.
Medication Administration
St. Paul’s School will not provide over the counter medicine to students unless it is sent from home with parent permission. All medication will be kept in lock cabinet in the school’s office. Please label the medicine with your child’s name and write any instructions along with it.
Please read through the following information and sign the Parental Acknowledgement form provided during the first week of school and return to office.
Interviewing Children
Children may be subject to interviews by licensing staff, child maltreatment investigator and/or law enforcement officials for the purpose of determining licensing compliance or for investigative purposes. (Child interviews do not require parental notice or consent.) This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 201
Policy Statement: In accordance with both the standards of the Diocese of Little Rock and the Arkansas Department of Human Services, any adult who suspects physical, emotional, or mental abuse of any child is required to report such abuse to the proper authorities.
While we certainly never expect misconduct of any sort, please be aware that if any occurs, it will be reported. The authorities contacted may find it necessary to interview the children in the reported facility.
Special Needs
I have been informed in writing that all child care facilities are required by IDEA to refer a child with any suspected delays or disabilities to the appropriate lead agency (as determined by the child’s age). Children ages 3-6 yeas should contact Arkansas Department of Education, check with your child care licensing specialist for the agency in your area. Child Care facilities do not need parents’ permission to make a referral to the appropriate agency. This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 1400
Photograph/Video Permission
I give permission for my child to be photographed or video recorded. If permission is not granted, I will contact the school office and let them know. This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 400
Photos/Video Recordings Permission on Social Media/Websites
I give permission for photographs or video recordings of my child to be placed on social media or school website. If permission is not granted, I will contact the school office and let them know. This is in accordance with Minimum Licensing Requirements: DCCECE/Child Care Licensing Unit: Section 400
Behavior Guidance
I have read through the Behavior Guidance Techniques found in the school’s handbook. No physical punishment shall be administered.
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
As a parent or legal guardian of the minor student, I grant permission for my child to access networked computers such as the Internet. I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for violations and that some material on the Internet may be objectionable, but I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet use-setting and conveying standards for my child to follow when selecting, sharing, or exploring information and media.
Medication Administration
St. Paul’s School will not provide over the counter medicine to students unless it is sent from home with parent permission. All medication will be kept in lock cabinet in the school’s office. Please label the medicine with your child’s name and write any instructions along with it.
- Prescription medication must be in the original container issued by the pharmacist with the student’s name, dosage and times for administration written on the label
- Permission for long term prescription medications must be on file in the school office
- Permission from the parent/guardian for over-the-counter medications must be accompanied by the medication in its original container, stating the time the last dose was given and the time the next dose is needed.Such medications as acetaminophen (Tylenol), chewable antacid tablets and/or Ibuprofen (Motrin) must be sent by the parent/guardian.
- No medication to be given three times daily or less will be administered at school.Unless the doctor specifically states the time to be given.